Lan Leist KC Criminal Barrister

Associate Member

Alex Broadbent

Alex Broadbent PhD

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Alex is an academic, writer and consultant specializing in complex science and health and policy matters, especially in relation to lower- and lower-middle-income countries. He is report author for the United Nations COVID-19 Rapid Needs Assessment for South Africa, and project leader for the Africa branch of an intercontinental project assessing the collateral impact of COVID-19 suppression and mitigation strategies. He also provided expert opinion for the National Health Insurance Service in its case against various tobacco companies at the Supreme Court. He has published influential books and articles in top academic journals in the fields of epidemiology, philosophy and legal theory. He directs the Institute for the Future of Knowledge at the University of Johannesburg.

Alex works with Ian Leist QC on African, sub-Saharan projects in Nigeria, Malawi, South Sudan and Kenya

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