Fraud & Financial Crime Barristers UK

We have a dedicated and highly experienced team of fraud practitioners at silk and at junior level in Chambers. We often work together on larger cases.

In recent years Members have been involved in some of the highest profile fraud cases emanating from the UK and abroad, from the Lloyds Bank Fraud and the Nigerian Telecommunications case (R-v-Ibori) to Operation Cotton and R-v-Saunders. We have been involved in cases that have included large international frauds, spanning a number of jurisdictions as well as national cases prosecuted by the SFO, FCA or NCA. These cases are often either brought under the Fraud Act 2006 or as conspiracy to defraud, but also include false accounting, MTIC, tax and VAT fraud, advance fee fraud, land banking and boiler room frauds and other cases. Members have been called upon to advise at early stages as well as throughout preparation, trial and appeals. Members have written extensively on the subject and are, according to Legal 500, “well-connected’ in the City and in fraud generally.

We are, therefore, able to offer clear, credible and high-quality advice in all areas on business crime and fraud. Our experience has shown that the ability of counsel to navigate document-heavy cases with a morass of complex financial data is of critical importance. We have in-depth knowledge of undertaking such work as well as the delivery of clear and focused advice in relation to the material and the cases generally. We bring a modern and client-focused approach to the preparation of fraud cases, which makes them easier to manage from the client’s point-of-view. We provide clear schedules of the evidence and of the issues as well as a forward-looking narrative pinpointing area of further work. We are used to working as part of multi-disciplinary teams, often involving accountants, investigators, media professionals and others.

We are alert to issues of legal professional privilege as well as the broader issues of abuse of process applications and disclosure. Critically, we identify these issues early on in our instructions and take the appropriate action.

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