Lan Leist KC Criminal Barrister

Year of Call 2014


(Solicitor Advocate 2005)

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He was previously a partner at Olliers Solicitors and a partner and Solicitor Advocate at Nikolich Carter. Steve regularly appeared on behalf of clients in the Crown Court.

He has an astute legal mind which has been developed over the 24 years he has been in Criminal Practice.

Steve has acted on several cases as a led junior.

Steve is qualified to undertake Direct Access work if required.

Notable Cases

R v MD 2012 Northampton Crown Court (VHCC) VAT Fraud – 3-month trial.  Multi-handed case – Trial

R v JB 2013 Leeds Crown Court Manslaughter -Trial

R v KB 2014 Minshull Street Crown Court – Drugs Conspiracy multi-handed – Trial

R v TAA 2015 Newcastle Crown Court – Drugs Conspiracy -Trial

R v LC 2016 Bolton Crown Court – S.28 Wounding Acid Attack – Trial

R v KPE 2016 Warrington Crown Court – Multiple rapes – Trial

R v SR 2017 Leeds Crown Court – Historical sexual offences – Trial

R v IB 2017 Manchester Crown Court – Supply Class A, B & C Drugs – Trial

R v PH 2017 Preston Crown Court – Manslaughter – Trial

R v JS 2017 Preston Crown Court – Multiple victims, Crown & defendant intermediary – sexual offences – Trial

R v AS Minshull Street Crown Court – Attempted murder – Trial

R v EK 2018 Bolton Crown Court – Money laundering (Successful app to dismiss) – Trial

R v MB 2019 Nottingham Crown Court – Conspiracy to defraud (Energy) multi-handed case – Trial

R v LF 2020 Southwark Crown Court – Multimillion pound film piracy case involving US and UK authorities – Trial

R v JS 2021 Liverpool Crown Court – Pervert the course of justice in a murder trial multi-handed – Trial

R v KS 2021 Reading Crown Court – Trademark Infringement

R v DW  2021 Leeds Crown Court – Multi-handed drugs conspiracy – Trial

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